Questions for your Loved One’s Caregiver

Entrusting the safety and well-being of someone you love to another person may feel strange at first. You want to be sure that the individual providing support truly cares and pays attention to the needs of your loved one. That’s why it is so important to find the right caregiver for the task while also keeping up to date with the care your loved one is receiving. Asking specific questions every now and again can help you stay informed as well as help guide future decisions. 

Here at Aqua Home Care, we specialize in referring caregivers to individuals seeking support at home. We base each pairing on needs and personality in order to create an effective, comfortable in-home care experience. Even after caregivers and their clients have started their journey, we check in to ensure satisfaction. We encourage families to ask questions to ensure satisfaction as well. Many families wish to familiarize themselves with their loved one’s every day care routines and stay up-to-date regarding any changes. If any changes need to be made to a care plan, it can be updated accordingly. Below we have compiled a list of questions to ask caregivers regarding loved ones who are receiving in-home care:

  • Have you noticed and changes in mood or behavior?
  • Have you noticed any increases or decreases in physical ability?
  • Is food being consumed regularly? Have there been any changes in appetite?
  • Does my loved one share things with you or do they seem withdrawn?
  • How independent/dependent are they throughout the day?
  • Have you noticed any side effects after they take their medications?
  • Are they communicating their needs with you?
  • Are they accepting of the support they are receiving?
  • Do you have any suggestions as we move forward?

Caregivers spend anywhere from hours to full days with their clients and are able to observe and differentiate the usual from the unusual. They often form strong bonds with those they care for and can be excellent sources of information. While this information should not be replaced by the medical opinions and findings of your loved one’s doctor, it can be useful knowledge to have at appointments and can also let you know it may be time to schedule an appointment. You may not always be able to be there to provide the care your loved one needs, but with the referral services of Aqua Home Care you can put your mind at ease knowing they are in capable, caring hands. Asking questions and staying informed can help give your loved one the in-home care experience they need and deserve.

Recent Testimonials
Mark Schorr
Fort Lauderdale

Aqua Home Care focuses on communcation, an example being call-offs, they call me to let me know and communicate who will be covering the shift.

Sue Gabriane
Fort Lauderdale

These people are top notch in all categories. I most definitely highly recommend Aqua Home Care.

Jeffrey Thau
Fort Lauderdale

Aqua home care took a personal interest in my mother’s welfare and the support team is very helpful especially when I have additional administrative requests.

Jeff Bertman
Fort Lauderdale

Aqua Home Services (AHS) is the Disney World of Caregiver service firms. Aqua showcases a Gold Medal performance in every aspect. Keep it up!

Marisol Casiano
Fort Lauderdale

Aqua Home Care is a very reliable home care company, I highly recommend Aqua Home Care

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